Titanic Grand Staircase Jigsaw Puzzle

Titanic Grand Staircase Jigsaw Puzzle

A reproduction of the famous grand staircase of the fated RMS Titanic. The staircase served as an entrance for first class passengers and featured detailed oak paneling, elaborate bronze light fixtures, and other fine details. The staircase also featured a large overhead glass dome that allowed natural lighting. This reproduction staircase can be found at the “Titanic the Experience” museum in Orlando, Florida.

Only the steel infrastructure of the staircase remains in the wreck of the Titanic. The space is used by submersibles to access the ship’s interior.

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This puzzle has been completed ...... times.

Jigsaw puzzle subject image credit: Special thanks to cliff1066 for making the photograph used for this jigsaw puzzle available through the Creative Commons Attribution license. Visit cliff1066's Flickr photostream.

See all jigsaw puzzles based on cliff1066's photographs.

Category: Other Structures