Three Rabbits Jigsaw Puzzle

Three Rabbits Jigsaw Puzzle

Rabbits, like the trio in this jigsaw puzzle, can make great pets. Whether for a child or an adult, when domesticated these unique creatures can be a great source of amusement and fulfillment. Contrary to popular belief, bunnies do not always need to be in cages or even outdoors. As a matter of fact, some are so used to being around people that it is almost like having a cat or dog around the house. They can be held, cuddled and petted. As with other types of family pets, these animals also have their own distinct personality and characteristics, which is what makes them such an interesting choice.

This puzzle has been completed ...... times.

Jigsaw puzzle subject image credit: Special thanks to Carly Lesser & Art Drauglis for making the photograph used for this jigsaw puzzle available through the Creative Commons Attribution ShareALike license. Visit Carly Lesser & Art Drauglis's Flickr photostream.

See all jigsaw puzzles based on Carly Lesser & Art Drauglis's photographs.

Category: Other Animals