Dory Shop Jigsaw Puzzle

Dory Shop Jigsaw Puzzle

Description of “The Dory Shop” in Nova Scotia, Canada from the photographer: The Dory Shop has been building dories for more than 90 years now and, except for a few power tools, they build them the same way they have always built them, with the same wood, the same fastenings, the same oars, the same paint, the same everything! They like it that way. It works and it will continue to work as long as the sea is salty, and the ocean has waves.

This puzzle has been completed ...... times.

Jigsaw puzzle subject image credit: Special thanks to Dennis Jarvis for making the photograph used for this jigsaw puzzle available through the Creative Commons Attribution ShareALike license. Visit Dennis Jarvis's Flickr photostream.

See all jigsaw puzzles based on Dennis Jarvis's photographs.

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